
Lakeside Dog Trainer

Obedience Training

Obedience Training

Basic and Advanced

Leash Training

Leash Training

Leash and Slip Lead

Reactivity and Aggression

Reactivity and Aggression

Toward Dogs, Animals, and Humans

Where Sit Happens

Why Train The Owners?

My philosophy begins with the foundation of the family. In order to achieve this, the individuals in charge of the dog must posses the proper tools to train the dog appropriately. ANY dog.

Any reasonably decent dog professional can come in and “make your dog mind in their presence.” It isn’t some magical potion we carry around; we just know what to do. We understand the dog’s mind and we know the alpha aspect of a dog’s mentality.

 Therefore, my objective is not centered around my getting your 4-legged furry friend to mind his manners when I am near. All dogs will eventually mind in my presence. My primary objective is to give you the proper knowledge and guidance to corral your own dog while teaching your dog to understand specific commands. 

My Philosophy Is Simple.

Teach The Owners.

During Evaluation

Bear in mind, that I am not a salesman coming to your door trying to convince you to purchase

Behavior Aggressive Dogs

AGGRESSION takes on many forms in the dog world. As with people, in order to manage

From Daniel

Allow me to cut to the chase. I am in no way inferring any specific breed of dog is "bad."

Meet Our Furever Trainers

After 15 years of slaving and climbing the corporate ladder, Daniel found himself

Professional Dog Trainer

People had often told Daniel he seemed to possess an innate ability to communicate

We Specialize In

Not every dog has the same issues and not every owner has the same needs ...

Why Choose Us

What We Specialize In

Not every dog has the same issues and not every owner has the same needs. Most decent dog trainers can teach a dog to sit and stay or walk them on a leash. Should your dog need training due to reactivity or aggression, I implore you seek a trainer with the proper skills to address these issues, as aggression can lead to harmful outcomes. 

Obedience Training

Obedience Training

Basic and Advanced

Leash Training

Leash Training

Leash and Slip Lead

Reactivity and Aggression

Reactivity and Aggression

Toward Dogs, Animals, and Humans

Happy Paws
Happy Pawrents

Call Us Today!

Life is better with furry paws....

What Our Client's Are Saying

Daniel is a wonderful dog trainer. He helped my stray/rescue Ginger go from being a fear aggressive dog to be able to interact with all dogs. The obedience was the icing on the cake, she now can go anywhere and do anything with me. She knows all her commands and just 1 month removed from Daniels classes she is only on a leash when were out and about, but no need for a leash anywhere else. He showed me a confident obedient dog is a happy dog. If you own a dog, Daniel's classes will be the best thing you could do for you and your dog.

    Christopher Russell
    Christopher Russell


    Choosing Dan as our trainer was the best decision we have ever made. After one short session we knew we were going to have a new confident and obedient pet. He solved numerous issues for us including aggression that could have resulted in finding a new home for our beloved pup. We are worry free now and are comfortable taking her anywhere. We now enjoy company at anytime and how our Shepherd girl is going to act or react will never be an issue again. We can't thank Dan enough

      Jennifer Lashdon Clenendon
      Jennifer Lashdon Clenendon


      “I've hired Daniel several times over the last few years. Initially it was due to behavior problems with my 10 year old Pomeranian. She had been an only child for 5 years and due to unforeseeable circumstances, I adopted several rescue doggies. She was very unhappy. She became aggressive not only to the dogs but to every one that came to visit, attacking, snarling and even biting my guests. But when Daniel arrived to assess the situation, she immediately went right to him, wagging her tail. It was uncanny. He explained how she didn't understand

        Kymm McLean
        Kymm McLean

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